About Us

Mahatma Gandhi Educational Trust was founded by Dr. Kalpana Sankar to ensure quality education was available to persons in and around Kanchipuram.

The Mahatma Gandhi Educational Trust was established with a vision to impart quality education to elevate, energize and empower young minds in and around Kanchipuram. The two schools Mahatma Gandhi Nursery and Primary School & Mahatma Gandhi Matriculation Schools focus on child centric learning and teaching and provides value education to children. The infrastructure is ideal for learning and allows young minds to explore their curiosity.


  • To ensure every child reaches his or her full potential
  • To impart education through English as the medium of instruction.
  • To ensure every child gets personalized attention for holistic development.
  • To maintain high standards of academic and co- curricular activities.
  • To foster and monitor physical, mental, intellectual, emotional and social development of the students.
  • To enhance teaching quality through regular resource inputs.

Our Vision

To Educate, Energize, Elevate and Enlighten young minds.

Our Mission

To provide a healthy environment for each child to reach his/her full potential through child-centric teaching and learning methodologies combined with value based education.